It is that time of year when we all take time to think about what we are grateful for. We at The Dance Store are grateful for all of you, our customers.
From accomplished dancers who have their eye on a lifetime of dance, to those baby dancers just starting out, and all of you in between, we thank you. All of the parents and grandparents, friends and associates who support these dancers, we thank you. To those out in the world who support the arts, and dance in particular, we thank you.
Here are a few “Thanks to Dance” quotes we though you might like:
“Thanks to dance, I’ve stopped saying ‘I can’t do that,’ and started saying ‘I will be able to do that, just give me some time to practice.’”
“Thanks to dance, I’ve come out of my shell and made memories that will last a lifetime.” Just Dance
“Thanks to dance, I have incredible stage presence.” Audrey Byers
“Thanks to dance, I own more bobby pins than CVS sells.”
“Thanks to dance, I learned that if you don’t have what you want, work harder.”
“Thanks to dance, I notice every mistake in a dance movie or TV show.”
“Thanks to dance, I know how to have fun in the rain.” Unknown
Be sure to visit The Dance Store in Murfreesboro for all of your dancewear needs. For more information about The Dance Store visit their website or Facebook page or look for #danceintheboro.
Shop local, come into the store on Small Business Saturday and receive a gift with a fifty-dollar purchase. And don’t forget to come to our Open House on December 1, 2018!!